Box jump burpee.

Jumping phase of box jump burpee and the landing phase performed in a gym by two female athletes

The box jump burpee is a dynamic exercise that combines a jump’s explosive power with a traditional burpee’s full-body workout.

A series of key movements characterize it. Beginning in a standing position, the individual performs a squat, leaps into a plank position to perform a push-up, leaps back into a squat, and then in the process of standing up, explosively jumps onto a box and lands back on the floor to complete a rep.

The primary muscle groups engaged during the box jump burpee include the upper body, lower body, and core. The upper body is activated during the push-up phase of the burpee, strengthening muscles in the chest, shoulders, and triceps.

The lower body plays a crucial role particularly during the jump phase, engaging the quadriceps, hamstrings, calf, and gluteus, while the core muscles are continuously engaged to maintain stability throughout the movement.

In previous articles, we discussed other types of burpees such as the Prison burpees, Broad jump burpees, and Navy seal burpees. Here, we’ll delve into box jump burpee and various aspects of it.

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Box jump burpee versus box jump over burpee.

The box jump burpee and the box jump over burpee are both dynamic exercises that are particularly favored in calisthenics and CrossFit environments. They not only promote cardiovascular endurance but also enhance overall performance through muscle engagement across various body regions. Each exercise entails unique techniques that cater to different fitness levels and goals.

Starting with the box jump burpee, the movement integrates a burpee with a jump onto a box, effectively challenging both lower and upper body muscles while also engaging the core for stability.

In contrast, the box jump-over burpee takes the intensity up a notch. This variation requires a participant to perform a burpee while also jumping over a box instead of landing on it. The additional jump effort places greater demands on the muscles and increases the level of endurance required, activating more muscle groups while enhancing overall core stability.

Individuals with higher fitness levels may find the box jump over burpee preferable as it gives a further boost to agility and power. When choosing between these exercises, considerations should be made regarding fitness goals and individual capabilities.

For those focusing on muscle-building and aerobic capacity, including both the box jump burpee and box jump over burpee can provide beneficial variability in a workout regimen. Even without the jumps, research has proven body weight squats alone are effective in building muscle bulk and knee joint strength not to talk of the additional benefits that come with jumps.1

Ultimately, the choice may also hinge on personal comfort, as the risk of injury increases with higher-intensity movements. Thus, understanding your body’s limits and ensuring recovery is paramount in reaping the full benefits of both exercises.

An athlete jumping over a box while performing a box jump over burpee for beginners.
A female athlete demonstrating box jump over burpee

Burpee box jump-over standard.

The burpee box jump-over is a demanding exercise that effectively combines the conventional burpee with a jump over a box. To master the movement, adhering to certain technical benchmarks that ensure safety and effectiveness is essential. Below are some of the standard practices:

The height of the box: Depending on an individual’s fitness level, the box’s height may vary, however, a height of 20 inches is typically recommended for men and 16 inches for women. As strength and performance improve, athletes may gradually increase the box height, promoting muscle building, explosive pedal power, and endurance.

Proper landing techniques: This is crucial for reducing the risk of injury. When landing on the box, aim to absorb the impact by bending the knees slightly and ensuring the feet are placed firmly on the surface. It’s vital to ensure that the feet do not overreach the box to prevent falling and causing injury to muscles, ligaments, tendons, or even bones (fractures).

Thorough warm-up: Safety measures should always be prioritized. Before attempting the box jump over the burpee, it is advisable to perform a thorough warm-up to elevate the heart rate and prime the muscles for the workout just as you should in any high-intensity exercise.

It is recommended the warm-up lasts 10-15 minutes and the exercise starts not later than 15 minutes after warm-up according to the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research.2

Proper footwear: Footwear can make the difference between a disastrous workout and a rewarding one. Proper footwear is vital to provide adequate support and comfort during the exercise.

Ultimately, with consistent practice and adherence to these standards, the burpee box jumpover can be a highly effective component of an athletic performance program.

A man trips over a high box while attempting to jump on it
A man trips over a high box while performing a jump box burpee

Lateral burpee box jumpovers.

This is an advanced variation of the traditional burpee that incorporates a lateral movement, providing a unique twist to the potent exercise. Unlike the standard box jump burpee which typically involves a forward jump over a box, the lateral version requires athletes to jump sideways over the box.

One of the primary benefits of adding lateral burpee box jump-overs into your routine is their ability to improve agility. As athletes engage in the movement, they train their bodies to quickly change direction, a skill that is invaluable for many sports and athletic endeavors.

Furthermore, the lateral motion activates different muscle groups, particularly the oblique abdominal muscles which are essential for core stability. Improving core stability enhances functional strength and can lead to better posture and injury prevention.

To complement lateral box jump-over burpees, consider incorporating exercises that can further improve explosiveness and core engagement. The latter are key components of maintaining the stability required for this dynamic exercise.

With consistency and proper technique, athletes can leverage the benefits of this variation to optimize their training outcomes.

Burpee box jump benefits.

The burpee box jump, an innovative combination of a burpee and a box jump, offers numerous benefits like most other rigorous variants of burpees. It can significantly enhance various aspects of fitness and it’s critical in developing explosive power which plays an essential role in athletic performance.

A jump over specific target heights of a box contributes to overall strength and can reduce the risk of injuries by strengthening tendons and ligaments around joints. In addition to this, the box jump burpee offers all the other benefits you get from high-intensity exercises like the basic burpee as covered in a previous article you may want to read.

In the write-up, we listed some unique health benefits of burpees to women who follow a consistent approach to this calisthenic.

The alternatives.

Alternatives to box jump or box jump over burpees allow one to continue improving muscle strength, cardiovascular endurance, and overall athletic performance without overexertion. Each of them allows individuals to diversify their conditioning routine, maintain muscle engagement, and continue to pursue fitness goals without risking injury from repetitive movements.

Burpee box jump alternatives.

This exercise is a high-intensity workout often employed in CrossFit routines and calisthenics. However, some individuals may find the full movement challenging, particularly if they are recovering from injuries or just beginning their fitness journey.

Fortunately, there are several effective alternatives to the box jump burpee that can provide similar cardiovascular and general fitness benefits while being more accessible. Some of them are listed below:

The step-up burpee: It involves performing a standard burpee but instead of jumping onto a box, the athlete steps up onto it with one foot at a time. This modification reduces the impact on the joints while still engaging the upper body and core muscles.

An athlete stepping on a box
An athlete performing a step-up burpee

The traditional burpee without the box jump: The main difference between the box jump burpee and the traditional burpee is jumping onto a box rather than the vertical jump done in the traditional one. Here, the individual does the squat, plank, and push-up but opts for the vertical jump rather than jumping on a box.

Squat jumps: This is an excellent substitute for those looking to maintain lower body power and explosiveness. In this exercise, the individual performs a deep squat and jumps straight up, landing softly back into the squat position. They enhance core stability and lower body strength while maintaining the benefits associated with more dynamic movements like burpees.

There are a whole lot of other alternatives like:

  • The push-ups to squats,
  • Jumping jacks,
  • Dumbbell thrusters,
  • High knees, and
  • Bottom or top half burpees.

These were discussed in a previous article you may want to read titled Burpee Alternatives.

Box jump over burpee alternatives.

For fitness enthusiasts seeking alternatives to the burpee box jump-over, there are various effective exercises that can deliver similar cardiovascular and muscular benefits. These alternatives can enhance endurance and strength while focusing on different movement patterns to maintain engagement and avoid monotony in a workout routine.

The box step-over: It involves stepping onto a box or platform and then stepping down on the opposite side. It is particularly useful for those who may be concerned about the impact of jumps on their knees yet still wish to engage in muscle-building and fitness activities. Research has proven step climbing alone reduces resting heart rate.3

The lateral hop: This exercise not only targets the lower body but also emphasizes agility and explosiveness. To perform lateral hops, start by standing beside a designated spot. With both feet together, jump sideways over an imaginary line and land softly before immediately hopping back to the starting spot.

Generally, except in a few exceptions, exercises that serve as alternatives to burpee box jumps can also serve the same purpose in burpee box jump-over workouts. On that note, you may check out the exercises listed in the last section on burpee box jump alternatives, for more ideas.

Results achieved through box jump burpees.

Adding box jump burpees into a fitness regimen has yielded significant benefits for practitioners across various fitness levels. As a compound exercise combining the dynamics of a box jump and the full-body movements of a burpee, it promotes overall body composition, muscle building, and better athletic performance, particularly in time-sensitive sporting events.

An athlete jumps over a box in a sporting event
An athlete jumps over a box in a sporting event

Case studies of individuals who undertook a dedicated 12-week program including jump box burpees consistently, reveal substantial progress. Their recovery times between workouts reduced considerably, evidencing improved endurance and fitness levels.

By analyzing these positive results along with user experiences, it becomes evident that consistent practice of box jump burpees not only enhances physical appearance as shown in a previous article, but boosts cardiovascular and general health.


  1. Wei, W., Zhu, J., Ren, S. et al. Effects of progressive body-weight versus barbell back squat training on strength, hypertrophy and body fat among sedentary young women. Sci Rep 13, 13505 (2023). ↩︎
  2. Herman, Sonja L1,2; Smith, Derek T2,3. Four-Week Dynamic Stretching Warm-up Intervention Elicits Longer-Term Performance Benefits. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 22(4):p 1286-1297, July 2008. | DOI: 10.1519/JSC.0b013e318173da50 ↩︎
  3. Donath, L., Faude, O., Roth, R., & Zahner, L. (2014). Effects of stair-climbing on balance, gait, strength, resting heart rate, and submaximal endurance in healthy seniors. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 24(2), e93-e101. ↩︎


I'm your go-to health coach with experience in helping you unlock your full potential through lasting weight loss, fitness, self-care, and wellness strategies. My passion for research and writing offers a way of keeping you updated on the latest and best practices.

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