Planet Fitness in San Francisco.

Planet Fitness in San Francisco

The Planet Fitness Club in San Francisco is presently located at 417 Montgomery St, San Francisco, CA 94104. Previously, it was located at 350 Sansome St. It’s in a pretty well-built-up business area with high-rise buildings.

Though it can’t boast of the spacious parking space some Planet Fitness locations have, the gym’s interior is impressively roomy. It is well-equipped to cater to all your fitness or training needs.

The membership plans and pricing.

The San Francisco Planet Fitness Club used to offer three membership plans but it now offers two. It has retained the usual Black card membership, and the classic membership, but has taken down the No-commitment membership.

Fees.Black card membership.Classic membership.
Duration of CommitmentNone.None
Billing of annual fees1st of any month within 60 days from the sign-up date.1st of any month within 60 days from the sign-up date.
Table 1. Comparison of the cost of membership for Planet Fitness in San Francisco. Source: Planet Fitness in San Francisco.

Among the two membership plans, the classic plan still has the higher start-up fee which used to be $59 but has now been reduced to $29. The Black card plan has also seen a drop in its startup fee from $10 to $1. Whereas the monthly fee for the black card plan has remained at $24.99, the classic plan’s monthly fee was increased by $5 from $10 to $15.

You are billed an annual fee which used to be $39 but is now $49. That’s an increase of $10. It is used for gym maintenance and applies irrespective of your membership plan. The annual fee is billed on the 1st of any month that falls within 60 days from your sign-up date.

Previously the classic membership plan had a commitment duration of 12 months but that has changed as you can see in the table above.

You can check out an earlier article for an idea of the total sum you have to pay annually to be a member of Planet Fitness Club. You will find the highest amount you pay on a classic membership is way cheaper than the lowest amount for a black card plan. For more information on pricing or any other inquiry, do call their customer care number: (415) 433-3033.

Planet Fitness in San Francisco hours.

The San Francisco Club of Planet Fitness runs consistent business hours on weekdays opening at 7:00 a.m. and closing at 9:00 p.m. daily.

On Saturdays, it’s open from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. This represents an opening time of 2 hours later than it does on weekdays and closes 4 hours earlier than on weekdays as shown in Table 2, below. Though it opens for business on Sundays by 9:00 a.m., it closes at 3:00 p.m. which is 2 hours earlier than it does on Saturdays.

Mondays – Fridays7:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Saturdays.9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Sundays.9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Easter.Close all day.
Memorial, Labor, and Independence Day.9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Thanksgiving Day.On the Eve: 9:00 a.m.- 3:00 p.m.
Thanksgiving day: Closed all day.
On the next day: Regular hours.
Christmas Day.Dec. 24th: 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Dec. 25th: Closed all day.
Dec. 26th: Regular hours.
New Year’s Day.New Year’s Eve: 9 a.m. -3 p.m.
New Year’s Day: 9 a.m. -3 p.m.
Table 2. Planet Fitness in San Francisco hours. Source: Planet Fitness in San Francisco, CA

The club doesn’t open on Easter, unlike some other Planet Fitness clubs. However, it has consistent holiday business hours of 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. during most holidays such as:

  • Memorial Day,
  • Independence Day,
  • Labor Day,
  • Thanksgiving Wednesday, and
  • Christmas Eve,

Apart from the Easter holiday, the club doesn’t open on Thanksgiving Thursday, and Christmas Day, as shown in Table 2, above. It runs regular business hours on Black Fridays and New Year’s Days.

The best times to work out.

There are a couple of factors to be considered when deciding the best time for your workout. Prominent among them are your day job hours and your disposition towards crowds.

Much has changed in the last year in the area of membership. Its membership has grown to the point the club is now very much in use whenever it’s open.

If you don’t like crowds you only have from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Thursdays. This is in sharp contrast to before when Thursdays used to be the busiest day in the gym.

Any other day you go there you’ll always meet other members. Those are good times to meet up and interact with other members.

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Planet Fitness jobs in San Francisco, CA.

At the moment there are not a lot of open positions at Planet Fitness gym in San Francisco. If you can lift as much as 75 pounds, which is about 34kg, and you are over 16 years old, then you are a candidate for the only available position. Your responsibilities will include membership sales, customer service, cleaning, and sanitation.

It’s a part-time weekend job with a compensation plan of $18.00 per hour. Some of the other qualifying criteria for this job include:

  • Primary level computer skills,
  • Great customer service and communication skills,
  • An experience in customer service, and
  • Cleaning skills.

If this job isn’t for you, you may keep track of their job page to know when other open positions pique your interest. Having a qualification or degree In exercise science could give you an edge in applying for higher managerial positions in a gym or fitness club.

Final words.

Keeping fit should be everyone’s business as there are no benefits associated with obesity or any form of physical deterioration. To live a long and desirable life you need to be in shape and maintain a good physique apart from healthy diet plans.

I understand some gym memberships may come at a considerable cost. That’s exactly why clubs like Planet Fitness that offer you more for less, no matter your fitness level, are important.

So that’s where we draw the curtain on the topic. You may want to read about deadlifting at Planet Fitness or the various forms of deadlift exercises and how to do them in the best ways.


A board-certified healthcare practitioner with over 20 years of clinical experience that touches on a broad spectrum of diseases and medical conditions. Has worked for the government at the tertiary and other levels of healthcare, consults in a couple of private healthcare facilities, and has been a board member of two well-read health magazines. Passionate about research, writing, reading, education/health awareness, religious, and charitable programs.

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